Remains (2014-)
The last words from the remaining books of a recently deceased artist.

Remains was first performed at Cafe OTO project space for the launch of the publication ...Or Maybe Its the Same for Everyone (ed. John Lawrence).
I'm not the same girl. What I want is something much harsher and much more difficult: I want the terrestrial. Out of exposure range – blinks at 2 Hz. For me it can feel quite powerless being in a place where you cannot possible help or affect change. Losing balance and then regaining it renewed my awareness of the objecthood of the body, of how it functions spatially, the gestures it makes. Or, it’s like Disneyland, where they have footprints set into the ground and a sign that says – if you stand here, you get this picture. (Laughter). The Way Out is an experiment in historical and political comparison that is also a comic romp, with 15mm Films' acidic humour (directed at reversing or parodying normative perceptions of disabled people) at its core. I obviously made it through the night and willingly went back to the next kegger the following weekend. Crimson & Clover (Over & Over). They were all the same flavor. Through the Canadian documentary film director Peter Mettler's chanting voice, and set against a true revelation of a pictorial poem, we follow the diary-form recording of the long and lonely path towards death, from the delirious moments of realisation to the more prosaic experience of a body that is ceasing to live. Amid frenzied cheers he oozed up the ramp and into his Titan-made car. Oh yeah ...
Hitler idolized Wagner, saying: "I don’t touch meat largely because of what Wagner says on the subject." Don’t know if this re-defines what it means being a Christian, but it does slightly shift the focus for how one should try and go about it – in facing fears of the 'unknown' and step by step moving away from a kind of interior materialism. We must deal with where we find ourselves, drink our drinks, and enjoy the topiary. And count von Höpken said "We may say of the religion which Swedenborg has developed in his writings from the Word of God 'If it be of God, it cannot be overthrown; but if it be of man, it will come to naught'". Think of that! This curious work comprises a series of abstract nudes, in which a woman who appears to be pleasuring herself occasionally poses in the company of a monkey, cat, dog and a large skull. Und da der magnetische Malstift gleich an der Tafel befestigt ist und kein Papier benötigt wird, kann das Zeichenvergnügen jederzeit gleich beginnen. "The reality is more complicated than any theory!" or in this case the reality was simpler than any theory!! Movement is imparted to the machine not by a handle (that would break it), but by a pair of little vanes of a windmill made of the finest goldbeater’s skin, blown on by a double endless bellows (follies infinitus) set at some distance from the machine and forming a part of it, whose vanes turn an endless screw (cockles infinita) which sets it all going. When it doesn’t, that will mean the story has taken its next turn.
Vital different of a chemical=anthropoid-hunting for the grotesque WEB of her digital=vamp cold-blooded disease animals=abolition world-codemaniacs which jointed to the ecstasy system of the biocapturism nerve cells that was controlled the mass of flesh-module paradise device of the human body pill cruel emulator that compressed the acidHUMANIX infection of the soul/gram made@retro-ADAM trash sensor drug embryo DNA= channel to the reptilian=HUB_modem=heart that hung up....hyperlinks the brain universe of the murder-protocol emotional replicant performance that was processed the data=mutant of a clone boy to the genomics strategy circuit of the hybrid cadaver mechanism that turned on the ill-treatment of the dogs of tera. Fill in your landing card: tell the truth. Tourist? Professional activities? Permission to work? Or just Ecstacitizen of the world. Take your time ... stretch ... and come all the way back.
aus dem Wagen
von der Reise
aus dem Zimmer
It is the refusal ever to compromise your vision that will ultimately bear the finest results. If art is to remain individualistic, then, it must abandon its universalist ideology and draw its life from the counter-public sphere. It'll give them something to do, while we're away. In getting under the skin of language, Banner implicitly addresses current artistic dilemmas and therefore a key consideration of this project is the ways that language relates to and underpins the visual vocabulary available to artists working today. Vélez continues his development and exploration of a multi-layered visual language using innovative editing techniques and images he has collected over the past six years. Both within her work and beyond, these multiple conversations between family members as well as family friends continue to be animated, open-ended and to show no sign of ceasing. She has made her first freehand charcoal wall drawings for In situ ex situ, depicting details of conifer from the conservation planting. From small format intimate studies to the grandly scaled, Kurdziel's jazzy compositions of the landscape and the figure weave in and out of focus, offering lush repast, ripe for long and leisurely viewing. Plus it was as a verification of their adapted reflexes plus first-rate drive that at the termination of their expedition their nymphs pounced to their claws plus tensed their muscular exoskeletons. Fontenay-aux-Roses, France. October 1960. The permeation and dis-hierarchization of periods, styles, contexts and levels of reality here and throughout the work of Muntean/Rosenblum make possible, through countless refractions, the approach, perhaps, toward whatever it is in the present that has taken root in the contemporary subject. That the object has undergone a kind of catastrophe remains completely evident, and yet it is equally evident that this damaged object has been treated with as much care as if it had been a pristine one, or indeed more – that through the process of painting, it has been redeemed: 'For nothing can be sole or whole', as Crazy Jane said, 'That has not been rent'.
- Position the selection tool pointer on the edge of the clip and drag.
The meaning of these words I owe to the person who almost unwittingly made this work possible. I cannot be held responsible or liable for claims arising out of our correspondence. So before you do anything, have a good, long, think about the true meaning of, "an engagement". You might find your mother knows best, after all... a violence whose necessity cannot be avoided. Except now there's something faintly heroic about it. A very sexist and misogynist countercultural 'zine that includes porn, "hip capitalism", "heroin and the establishment" and the Psychedelic Venus Church. Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for The Lord delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married. "And now, if you'll excuse me, I really should be getting back to my work...." The Download Manager is merely a list of what you’ve done (combined with, sometimes, what you’re going to do), even though it looks a lot like a Finder window. Sowohl die Produktionsphase wie auch das Ergebnis sind nichts anderes als geil. And carry me to a place at the end of the table, while I wait for death to overtake me. In no event will our liability to a purchaser exceed the purchase price actually paid. Then I heard another voice: "He asked of you life, and you gave it to him, even length of days forever and ever." The test is to recognize the teacher if and when he does appear. To speak of the mystical course which, in the great cataclysm now stirring the Jewish people more deeply than in the entire history of Exile, destiny may still have in store for us – and I for one believe that there is such a course – is the last task of prophets, not of professors. Long may they howl. I see that it all just keeps expanding out from the center, farther and farther, with no end in sight. See you in a couple of weeks.
Thank you all for helping to give my mind and nose a brief respite from the smell of death in my home in lower Manhattan. The building was eventually to become the Musée Rodin. Attempt at revival in some of the branches of the minor arts. A Group of Turkish and Arabic Manuscripts comprising Commentary on the Sermons of Saint John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constaninople, first half of 18th Century; a Christian Arabic Prayer Book and Calendar, with engravings; an Arabic Account Book, dated 1181 (AD 1767); and a Turkish Account Book in Armenian characters, Constantinople, 1849 (4) £200 – 300 End of sale. Life met you more than half way. You just know how to leave from where you’ve been. Die Fotos sind nicht abstrakt, es gibt ganz gewiß eine Erzählung, doch diese ist lückenhaft und gebrochen. The most prevalent story of ghost bear depicts her saving a young girl from drowning in a lake, and then begins building her a log cabin to spend the night.
This is powerful work.
I think so.
But once I...
Oh, yeah